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Do You Want a Leggings Size Chart That Actually Works?

The best 3 leggings size charts

When you're buying clothes online, from booty shorts to lounge pants to leggings, it's always a fear: you're going to get something that doesn't fit. That means you'll have to go through the hassle of returning your clothes, or figuring out what to do with them once you've got them. So, how are you supposed to figure out what's going to fit you when you really want to shop online for clothes like leggings? A leggings size chart.

But, not all leggings size charts are creating equal. Some are confusing, and still leave you guessing on how exactly the leggings are going to fit. You might scour the size chart, do your research, and when your clothing finally arrives at your house, find that it still doesn't even fit.

So, that's why we've gathered the best of the leggings charts out there for you, so you can save your time, your money, and your frustration. Here's the ones we love, and what we love about them.

Athleta has always been great when it comes to sizing, and including all different shapes and sizes of bodies in their advertising - we love it!

When it comes to their size chart, the regular chart at the top is fairly simple, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. They're able to clearly lay out information for sizes XXS-3X.

At the top of the chart, you can click to jump from this basic overview over to different categories like sports bras, swimwear, bottoms, underwear, and more. That way, you get to know all the different sizes for each other their clothing categories.

What we like about this overview is that it lays out information on how to measure, instead of just giving the measurements themselves and leaving people to guess. It also depicts plus size tights, which might help a user gain a better understanding of what the item is going to look like on their own body. The diagram shows inseam, bust, waist, and hips.

The next leggings size chart is from Yogaletics, and again, there's a few things in particular to love about it. For one thing, the information that they give up front is important. They let their customers know that they wish that they didn't have to measure each person's body by inches, because your body is real and so much more than that. Amen! However, because it's a way to give a comparison on how their clothing will fit, it must be done. They go on to emphasize the point that the chart in no way proves how a body is wrong in any shape or size, just that it's perfect, beautiful, and going to look good in leggings or booty shorts or lounge pants.

After that, the provide some additional information about quality of fabric, and then lead into the actual chart itself. We also like how they go into even further detail and inform users of mid calf inseam and ankle seam information.

They also carry a large variety of sizes and take the time to carefully detail out the measurements for each size. Conversions between different countries is also useful information to include for a brand that's worldwide.

And, of course, we saved our favorite for last.

Cute Booty's leggings size chart, of course, has a lot of color in it, just like Cute Booty does it.

When the leggings size chart is created with grid information like this, it makes it easy to fit a lot of information into one small space, instead of a long list like the other size charts that you've seen above.

Somebody who is 5'5 can look at their exact height, move over to their weight, and quickly be able to determine what their size is. Sizes are also differentiated by using different colors of pink and purple.

But then, the size chart gets really unique. Cute Booty took feedback from almost one thousand different customers in the United States and beyond, and listened. This is the information that emerged.

Now, there is no guessing when it comes to knowing exactly how your lounge pants or leggings are going to look on your body.

The following photos in Cute Booty's size chart highlight body types of all different shapes, and highlight the exact measurements of each of the model's real bodies.

Here, you can see that Jenny, Cheryl, Okera, and Stephanie all have different heights, weights, busts, and hips. Measuring yourself traditionally is still an option, but when you can see what actual lounge pants or leggings look like on someone's body that is very similar to your own, it's going to be a much safer bet that you'll find the leggings that actually fit you.

And these four aren't the only examples to choose from. There's many more.

It's super helpful to see what a small can look like on different heights and weights, so you can visualize what it will look like when you try it on. The same goes for all sizes - they're all going to look different on each person, but this is a way to highlight how they're going to look different, and how they're going to fit in length and stretch.


Nowhere else can you see exactly how the same pair of pants is going to look on a very large range of different body types. That's why Cute Booty decided to do it first, after hearing that's what everyone wanted to see.

Next time you go to buy your leggings, plus size tights, or more online, you can rest assured that you have a very clear picture of what they're going to look like when you pull them on for the first time. And that means - no more having to deal with the hassle of returning your items!


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